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Making digital businesses accessible for everyone


One thing the coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated is the need for modern technology. How would businesses and individuals alike cope without mobile phones and laptops to keep us connected, keep us sane and keep the world turning?

Digital businesses are at a distinct advantage as everything should be operational no matter whether you’re sitting in company HQ or your home office. The trick is, how do we make this a world that everyone can access and make full use of?

Since the inception of social media and mobile phones, the world has been moving very quickly online. Banking can now be conducted at the tap of a finger, travel passes and train tickets are run off smartwatches and all you need to do is ask Alexa for a takeaway or a taxi and she has your favourite food and preferred payment method ready and waiting. The idea behind the digital world is convenience; as generations like Millenials and Gen Z-ers grow, they are looking for a world that is efficient and as frictionless as possible. Who would do something as old-fashioned as call a customer service helpline if you can ask your question via a helpful live chat on a website?

The current circumstances have amplified this need. As call centers are shut down and staff numbers become reduced, the modern consumer still needs a way of communicating, of living and of thriving. Similarly for businesses, if you can’t run a call center, you still need to help your customers and you still have a duty of care to your staff. There is no doubt, the world of the future is a digital one, so the challenge is making that world accessible to all and sundry.

Those less tech-savvy in society, of older generations and those who haven’t the financial means to invest in smart tech, will still need a way of connecting and engaging with the modern world. Companies like Google and Hubspot offer digital garages and free online courses to help those less comfortable with technology to learn the basics in a judgment-free environment and there is always a helpful grandchild on hand to help explain the fundamentals of Skype on the handy iPad bought for isolation communication.

The personal is all well and good, but what about businesses? What about entire corporations that are having to transition online at light speed to keep up with demand? What do you do when your offline business needs to get online fast to ensure customer satisfaction and, more fundamentally, business survival?


Free Download: Analysis of the Virtual and Remote Working Space


This is where you consult an expert and fast. SmartPA have spearheaded the remote and virtual admin support space for over 10 years and has multiple solutions. If you’ve had to close a call center, then you can divert your phones to our remote working center of excellence at a moment’s notice. Or if you are running at a less-than-normal level of staff, why not invest in overflow support? That way, when the influx of customer calls comes, if it hasn’t already, our call handlers will be ready and raring to support and ensure continuity of service.

Similarly, things like live chat customer service and email management become much more important when working remotely. Humans rely on being connected, so you can ensure that your customers feel attended to and your internal team doesn’t drown in the inevitable rise in email traffic resulting in the lack of office chat. A remote administrative assistant can filter out unnecessary communications and focus your attention on the conversations that matter, increasing efficiency and productivity in one fell swoop.

Then there is growth to consider. How are you to bring leads into the business without an outbound sales strategy? If your people aren’t out selling, cash flow becomes a growing and ever-present concern. This is when you can utilise SmartPA’s marketing services; investing budgets previously earmarked for travel, events, and networking into paid ads and working on your inbound strategy will lead to better quality conversations and a higher conversion rate; inbound leads convert, on average, at a rate of 14%, whereas outbound sits at a very low 1%. 

Relying on a quality, efficient outsourced service provider, like SmartPA, centralises all your support in one place and means you can cut down on hefty agency fees and multiple providers, thereby cutting costs as well! Yes, this brave new world we live in comes with challenges, but in every challenge lies an opportunity, and by making your newly digital business accessible for everyone, you are widening your customer base and adapting to ensure you flourish in the future.


Find out more about our customer care and call handling services here.