Top 5 Motivational Books in 2020


The whole world is living through very claustrophobic times. Confined to the same set of walls in our best efforts to avoid the virus and support our health services, our ability to stay motivated has definitely been tested. These measures have undoubtedly been for the good of the nation, but when mixed with constant news updates that are more negative than positive, this makes for a very difficult environment for positivity to thrive.

Surviving this crisis is not just a matter of keeping our bodies healthy, but as equally  important - our minds. To look beyond the pandemic and focus on the future, we must keep our mental wellbeing in check. Until now, physical exercise dominated the recipe for improving mental health and with restrictions on that, we have had to look at other means to keep us going.

We, at SmartPA, are very passionate about continuous learning and growing ourselves. One way by which we have kept ourselves motivated during these times is by reading, inspiring our entrepreneurial spirit, opening our minds to new opportunities and taking time away from our screens.

Here are our top 5 must read books we recommend for business, motivation or pure escapism. 

You Do You

Book by Sarah Knight

With countless social media posts of aesthetic lockdown activities, baking triumphs and new skills - it is easy to feel that we must be filling our new found time at home with amazing past times. However, this unnecessary pressure is actually counterproductive as we spend so much time thinking about what other people are doing, that we don't actually do what WE WANT to do. 

“You do you” written by Sarah Knight encapsulates the notion that “Being yourself should be the easiest thing in the world. Yet instead of leaning in to who we are, we fight it, listening too closely to what society tells us.” With reflections from the author on her own mistakes, struggles and embarrassments when trying to build a picture perfect life, we are reminded that no one is perfect and that no one gets it right all day, every day.

This message is especially prevalent when reassuring us that we are doing our best and shouldn’t compare ourselves to anyone. 

The Four-Hour Workweek

Book by Tim Ferriss

“The Four-Hour Workweek” is especially topical as many of us have shifted to working from home and we're trying our best to manage our working days as well as the dishes in the sink and the overflowing laundry basket. In this book by Tom Ferrsi, he teaches you how to increase your income while decreasing your workload - a concept by which SmartPA has flourished, supporting businesses to work smarter, not harder. Some tips he offers are to hire a virtual assistant, which will limit how often you answer emails or spend time on admin - again, speaking our language! If you feel swamped with work but are looking for hacks to manage your tasks and be successful, this is a must-read.

What A Time To Be Alone

Book by Chidera Eggerue

Something a little different, but again, incredibly topical - “What a Time to Be Alone” is available in not only printed format, but as an audiobook as well. Nicknamed  ‘The Slumflower’, writer Chidera Eggerue has claimed to be “your life guru, confidante and best friend” through the means of this book. This female-positive book shows that being alone is not just okay: it’s an amazing opportunity to reflect on your growth and focus on yourself. For many who live on their own, isolation has made these times even more difficult for mental well-being, so it is refreshing to look at loneliness from a different perspective in this book and embrace the opportunities that it brings.


Book by Phil Knight

Shoe dog is a memoir from the creator of Nike, Phil Knight. His is a story of true courage and resilience through adversity - one that takes us back down to earth and reminds us that regardless of difficult times, great things can be achieved. Candid, humble, but a great insight into the mind, attributes and attitude of an entrepreneur who built an empire from scratch. 

The Art Of Doing Less

Book by Ari Meisel

For many, being furloughed or made redundant has also meant the first time in years that they have had a proper break from working. As a result, many people are seeing the benefits of being at home, working from home or having that bit more time to themselves or to share with loved ones. We have seen the impact of this first hand, with many new start-up businesses emerging during lockdown and needing our support with growing and scaling. You may even be in that category yourself, considering a new career or going it alone. 

“The art of doing less” was written as a reflection of that exact situation. Author Ari Meisel was so overworked, that he nearly killed himself with exhaustion. Getting to such a point, he knew that he needed to make a change and decided to redesign his life. This book details his life approach of “optimise, automate, outsource” which helps to perform tasks smarter, instead of harder. He saw the value of asking for help and getting support from other people, just as many of our clients do at SmartPA. They see the amazing effects of having an expert to support with all of the tasks that are keeping them up at night. In turn, they can focus on working on their business, not in it!

Don’t just take our word for it that outsourced support is essential for success and improved happiness - read this book to understand how it positively affected the life of Meisel.