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Transcription: Service Overview


To try and make it easier for businesses to understand exactly what problems and pain points they have in their business and the solutions available, we are breaking down a selection of our most popular virtual assistant and executive PA services, so you can decide exactly what you need for the future of your company.

By now you will have read our blog on travel management, and today we’re talking all things transcription. A very common service requirement for legal firms, HR professionals and researchers, transcription is essentially writing down an accurate account of verbal or audio content. An example of this might be wanting a written version of a verbal interview taken with a professor or industry leader. We often help individuals seeking support to complete dissertations and theses, for which verbal and written interviews are both a clear requirement and a big drain on time and attention. The account is written down with accuracy by our expert executive assistants and a hard copy provided; we can offer any type of transcription, whether verbatim, intelligent or a summary.

The benefits of the service are countless; hard copies are incredibly important to have for legal reasons and digital copies can be useful in the current situation we find ourselves in when office access is limited and can make any subject matter much more accessible for remote teams.

For example, if you work in video production, having a transcription of video footage can then be used as subtitles to make your content more accessible to a larger audience. Perhaps you record customer phone calls and need a transcription made for training purposes. A recent client enlisted SmartPA to transcribe a recent raft of HR tribunals, ensuring they had written and verified copies for both the company’s internal records and the various individuals in question. Whatever the need, having the verbatim account of your subject matter can come in very handy. However, it is a rather time-consuming task and has a large margin for human error, so you’re always best to get an expert onboard to complete your documents in a timely and accurate manner. Our virtual assistants are experts here and can work to any deadline you need.

To put this in context, the recent COVID-19 pandemic will mean a lot of businesses are having high-level conversations, whether at an HR level or at board level. Taking a record of these important meetings will be very important for the future, for any current or potential investors, or even to share with your community and customers to show exactly what your plans and solutions are.

See what other support we can offer your business during the COVID-19 pandemic here.

For someone not used to transcription, it can be a lengthy process and can sometimes take days to achieve the levels of accuracy and specificity required. On average, one hour of audio takes three hours and forty five minutes to transcribe accurately - and our SmartPAs are definitely above average! Our expert transcribers work to your deadlines, so you set the time frame and we’ll produce the required work. Simple as that! The best transcription services will always manage your expectations and give any required updates to ongoing or project work. This is the same where cost applies. When asking how much transcription work is going to cost, make sure your service provider is clear about both an hourly rate and potential package total - then you have clear parameters to work towards.

On average, we save our clients half a day of time on transcription. Pretty hefty when you think what else could have been achieved in that time..?

Hopefully, this has shown both the benefits of a transcription service and its application to your business or occupation. To find out more, contact us below to see how we can save you time and increase efficiency.