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Mental Health Awareness Month 2024 - Vic

Written by SmartPA | May 7, 2024 11:05:12 PM

With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re delving deep into the concept of wellbeing, both within and beyond the confines of the workplace. Throughout this month, we'll be catching up with a few members of our team, sharing their perspectives on what wellbeing means to them.

To kick off our series, we’re hearing from our wonderful Learning and Development Manager, Vic!


Q. What do you think are the key factors that influence positive mental health at work?

  A. "Good work/life balance, manageable workload, great cross departmental communication, and easy access to your line manager for support and guidance."

Q. How important is a good work-life balance to you and why?


A. "It’s huge, otherwise you are pouring from an empty cup. If you are working all the time, you will burn out. If you balance it fairly, you are able to give your full attention to both aspects."


Q. Thinking about a previous job, what experiences did you have that you feel negatively affected your wellbeing at that time?

A. "I was taking work home in the evening and at the weekends which made me feel like I was working 7 days a week. This made me resentful of work when I was there as I felt like I had no time off."

Q. What do you feel are the most important elements, both in and outside of work, that contribute to positive feelings of wellbeing?


A. "Outside of work it is the ability to switch off, as well as a good support network or hobbies you enjoy. Things you can engage in and people to talk to who are nothing to do with work.

Inside work is all of the things I mentioned in my first point, which is balance. Open and honest communication, good management, work/life balance and workload."


Q. What aspects of your working life at SmartPA have you found to support your wellbeing?

  A. "SmartPA hires some incredible people. I work with some amazing colleagues who genuinely make my day to day working life easier and more enjoyable."


We’ll be sharing more insights from our team over the course of this month, uncovering the importance of wellbeing at work and what it means for our people to thrive. Stay tuned!


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