Proudly supporting the University of East Anglia

Founded in 1963 and now hosting over 17,000 students, the University of East Anglia (UEA) consistently ranks among the UK's top 30 universities, excelling in research and interdisciplinary teaching.

Located in Norwich, UEA provides exceptional facilities and is part of the prestigious Norwich Research Park, connecting academics with society, government, and industry through its research-driven approach.

Facing funding cuts and the need for efficient administrative support, UEA turned to SmartPA.

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"...takes the pressure off and frees up UEA’s time..."

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The Challenge

In 2023, UEA faced challenges with funding for a PA due to university budget cuts and had to remove the grant application for Access to Work when a colleague suggested exploring SmartPA as a solution. The previous PA was also online so they were familiar with the concept of a “virtual assistant”, but it was still a relatively new approach that seemed well-suited to their needs.

Why SmartPA?


UEA found SmartPA to be the best online option available. After initial conversations with their sales team, UEA was impressed by their personable and approachable manner, which significantly helped with the decision. The professional onboarding process and friendly internal team also contributed to the positive experience, and having a single point of contact to streamline communication was also a great advantage for UEA.

How does UEA use SmartPA?

UEA initially delegated tasks such as diary management and note taking during meetings to their SmartPA, and from the outset, their SmartPA demonstrated efficiency and a quick grasp of the requirements, which allowed the relationship to develop naturally.

They have structured weekly or fortnightly catch-up meetings to run through the diary which has proved to be effective, while UEA appreciates the human touch in the support provided.

The Results

SmartPA’s management of the diary has significantly eased the process for UEA. Meetings can now be identified and scheduled without constant oversight, relieving UEA of this pressure and freeing up valuable time, which was the primary need for support initially.

Since taking over from the previous PA, UEA is now operating in the preferred manner, and has found that having a single main point of contact is much more beneficial than dealing with multiple contacts.


Tips for Other Businesses

UEA would highly recommend SmartPA for the numerous benefits it offers, with the external model working well for UEA’s needs. The entire process, from sales to onboarding, was smooth, as UEA’s requirements were well-matched from the beginning. It’s advisable to explore the full range of services SmartPA can provide, as you might discover additional support areas you hadn’t initially considered.

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