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Thriving Through Seasonal Change

Thriving Through Seasonal Change

As the warmth of summer gives way to winter’s chill, many people start feeling the effects—not just physically, but mentally too. The darker mornings, colder days, and lack of sunlight can lead to low energy and motivation. For some, this seasonal dip can be much more severe, especially for those dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression triggered by the changing seasons.

But there’s good news! As an employer, you have a unique opportunity to make a difference. By supporting your team during this time, you can help them stay connected, feel valued, and continue to thrive as a little extra care goes a long way in building a happier, healthier, and more resilient workplace during winter.

How Winter Can Impact Your Team

It’s not just the cold that impacts us—it’s the reduced daylight that can really throw us off. Our body’s natural rhythms get disrupted, leading to fatigue and difficulty sleeping, which makes it tough for employees to stay focused and motivated. The result? Increased sickness, absenteeism, and a drop in morale.

Understanding these challenges is the first step. When you're conscious of how this season can impact your people, you can then introduce measures to support their mental wellbeing and maintain workplace productivity.

What You Should Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD is more than just a “winter slump.” It’s a form of depression that typically occurs during the colder months. While the exact cause of SAD isn’t fully understood, several factors are believed to contribute to its onset, including:

  • Reduced sunlight exposure: Less natural sunlight disrupts the body’s internal clock, which can lead to depressive symptoms.
  • Biological clock disruption: Changes in circadian rhythms and melatonin production during darker months affect mood regulation.
  • Serotonin levels: Reduced sunlight can lower serotonin levels, contributing to fatigue and depression.

Symptoms of SAD can vary, but often include:

  • Persistently low mood
  • Loss of enjoyment in daily activities
  • Trouble waking up or feeling tired throughout the day
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Increased irritability or anxiety
  • Desire to withdraw socially

As leaders, being aware of these signs can make a huge difference. Sometimes, employees may not even realise what they’re going through, but with the right support, you can help them get the care they need sooner rather than later.

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6 Ways You Can Support Your Employees Through Seasonal Change


1. Encourage open Conversations

Let’s keep communication open. Encourage your team to talk about how they’re feeling and what’s challenging them during winter. By cultivating a caring and empathetic culture, you’ll create a space where people feel comfortable sharing—and that’s where the magic happens. When we feel heard, we feel supported.

2. Offer Flexibility Where Possible

Flexibility can be a game changer during the colder months. If possible, offer remote working options or allow employees to adjust their schedules so they can make the most of the daylight. Whether it’s starting earlier to enjoy a bright afternoon walk or simply working from home, these small adjustments can make winter feel a lot less heavy.

3. Strengthen Wellbeing Programmes

Now’s the perfect time to enhance your wellbeing initiatives. Think about offering access to counselling services, stress management workshops, or even mindfulness sessions. Simple additions like yoga or guided meditation can help employees feel calmer and more balanced. These resources show your team that you’re committed to their mental health.

4. Encourage regular breaks Outside

Even when it’s cold, a little fresh air can work wonders! Encourage your employees to take short breaks outdoors or organise team activities like winter walks. Sunlight and movement are natural mood boosters, and sometimes stepping outside can be just the reset we need.

5. Provide Education on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Equip your team with knowledge about SAD—what it is, the signs to look for, and how they can manage it. Treatments like light therapy or talking to a healthcare professional can make a world of difference for those struggling. Sometimes, just knowing what’s happening can help employees take the right steps toward feeling better.

4. Create Opportunities for Connection

Winter doesn’t have to be all gloom. Find ways to bring some joy to the season by organising simple team activities. Whether it’s a holiday get-together, an office-wide (or virtual for remote employees) coffee chat, or even a fun team challenge, these moments of connection can lift spirits and strengthen relationships during a time when people might be feeling more isolated.



Winter may bring shorter days and colder weather, but it’s also a time when we can show up for our teams in meaningful ways. With the right support, seasonal changes don’t have to feel so daunting. By offering flexibility, encouraging open conversations, educating your team about SAD, and creating opportunities for connection, you can help your employees feel less isolated, more motivated, and better supported.

Ultimately, when employees feel valued and cared for, they’re more likely to stay engaged, productive, and loyal—even through the challenges of winter.


About SmartPA

SmartPA leads the transformation of admin and business support services through technology and education, while our mission is to unleash potential by supporting young people and women to become business role models for future generations. Powered by a global team of passionate and accredited SmartPAs, we accelerate the success of over 5,000 businesses worldwide, delivering impactful outsourced support that allows organisations to focus on what they do best. With a Centre of Excellence in the UK, near shore hubs in South Africa and Uganda, and an offshore hub in Malaysia, we are dedicated to making a difference.

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