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Unlocking Hidden Revenue & Growth

Unlocking Hidden Revenue & Growth

In the realm of business strategy, unlocking untapped revenue and accelerating growth requires a nuanced approach beyond traditional avenues. Often overlooked, administrative functions play a pivotal role in this pursuit and efficient management of these tasks not only enhances operational efficiency, but also frees up resources for strategic initiatives that drive revenue. According to PwC, workers state a staggering 45% of time spent on administrative duties is inefficient, highlighting a significant drain on productivity and potential revenue generation within organisations.

The Hidden Costs of Administrative Tasks

Administrative responsibilities encompass a wide spectrum, from scheduling and email management to report preparation and routine communications. While essential for business operations, these tasks divert valuable time and resources away from revenue-driving activities for stakeholders.

Based on our experience here at SmartPA, we’ve calculated that leaders spend at least 1 hour per day on administrative tasks (although this can be much higher in some circumstances). 

To illustrate the true value of saving a leader's time within their organisation, let's consider the following hypothetical scenario:

  • Leader's Annual Salary: £100,000 (£54.35 per hour, excluding ancillary costs and other considerations)


  • Hours Saved per Year: 234 hours (1 hour per day, based on 234 working days per year)
  • Conversion Rate: 10% (the rate at which time saved translates into revenue-generating activities)
  • Revenue per Deal: £100,000
  • Number of Deals per Year with Time Saved: 5 additional deals per leader

But what does this mean for an organisation’s ROI? Based on the above, let's take a closer look:

Corrected Infogs


SmartPA's Perspective

While the statistics are compelling, the human side of this story is even more so. When leaders are weighed down with admin work, it impacts their ability to lead effectively. They miss out on opportunities to innovate, strategise, and inspire their teams. By delegating these tasks to capable PAs and admin staff, leaders can reclaim their time and refocus on what truly matters.

At SmartPA, we see firsthand the transformative impact of effective administrative support. It's not just about saving money; it's about unlocking potential and driving growth. When leaders are free to lead, organisations thrive.


The bottom line is clear: the cost of admin work isn't just financial, it's about lost opportunities and untapped potential. By streamlining administrative functions and freeing up leaders' time, businesses can unlock significant growth and efficiency – it’s a simple shift with profound implications, paving the way for a more productive, innovative, and successful organisation.

In today's competitive business landscape, every moment counts – make sure your leaders are spending theirs on what truly drives your business forward.


About SmartPA

SmartPA leads the transformation of admin and business support services through technology and education, while our mission is to unleash potential by supporting young people and women to become business role models for future generations. Powered by a global team of passionate and accredited SmartPAs, we accelerate the success of over 5,000 businesses worldwide, delivering impactful outsourced support that allows organisations to focus on what they do best. With a Centre of Excellence in the UK, near shore hubs in South Africa and Uganda, and an offshore hub in Malaysia, we are dedicated to making a difference.

Find out more

Click here to find out more about how partnering with SmartPA can help your organisation improve profitability and resilience by outsourcing non-core business support or administration services to SmartPA. Alternatively, contact us directly to discuss your requirements.


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